Hexham News – New Defibrillator called into action at Tynedale Cricket & Tennis Club

A newly installed defibrillator device installed at Priors Flat, Eilansgate, Hexham the home of Tynedale Cricket and Tynedale Tennis Club has been called into action. On Sunday March 14 at 3:30 am, it was used to help a resident in need.
The North East Ambulance Service (NEAS) praised the community effort which led to the installation of the defibrillator. Alex Mason of NEAS said “It is fantastic to hear of another community accessible defibrillator being used to help someone prior to the arrival of an ambulance. Due to the nature of the incident we are unable to provide further details, but we wish the patient well in their recovery. In those first few minutes after someone’s heart stops beating, these are the things that can make a massive difference to the outcome.. Thank you to the cricket and tennis club for installing the device.”
Graeme Robbie, Tynedale Cricket Club, said the project has been made possible thanks to a partnership between England and Wales Cricket Board, the Community Heartbeat Trust and the Club Cricket Charity as part of their defibrillator Supply Project.
Councillor Derek Kennedy, who provided funding of £1,100 via the County Council said “This just shows the importance of these devices that are available 24 hours a day to all members of the public. It has only been in situ for five months and we are very pleased it has proved its worth by providing such critical assistance.“